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Author: admin

Types Of Hearing Loss

How It Affects You
Hearing loss affects around 48 million and is defined as a reduced ability to hear sounds. About 10% of Americans who suffer from hearing loss[…]

How To Create an Email Newsletter

Assemble an email newsletter for your patients in 7 easy steps.
Have you ever thought about integrating a newsletter into your marketing strategy? If you haven’t, you should! Newsletters aren’t just a tool of the past[…]

Hearing Aids and AI

Do your members with hearing loss benefit from AI technology?
The words artificial intelligence (AI) can sometimes have people running for cover in fear that their jobs will be replaced by machines. AI can have a significant effect on[…]

hearing aid coverage provider

4 Benefits To Look For in Hearing Aid Coverage

Including each state’s mandates for hearing aids.
Hearing health insurance can help a company prevent cognitive decline, slip and falls, accidents that can affect one or more of your members, poorly executed tasks and miscommunications that[…]