Join YHN...it’s free!
Our network of providers will ensure you receive the professionalism and superior care that you seek and deserve.
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The nation’s top hearing health network.
As a member of YHN you receive access to leads, programs and services that will help you achieve your practice goals.

Advantages of partnering with us:
We create strategic partnerships that support your effort to care for your patients while maximizing the potential of your practice.

Statement of Practitioner Rights
YHN participating and prospective network providers have the right to review all information to support the credentialing process, with the exception of references, recommendations, or other peer review protected information. In addition, the right to correct any erroneous information shall also be granted. All applicants will receive the status of a credentialing or recredentialing application, upon request. If denied, practitioners are notified in writing of the decision, including the reason(s) for the decision; description of professional review action; reason(s) for the action; summary of the practitioner’s appeal rights; summary of the practitioner appeal process; a statement that the practitioner is allowed to request a hearing; specific time period for submitting the request; a statement that at least 30 calendar days are allowed after the written notification for the practitioner to request a hearing; and a statement that the practitioner may be represented by an attorney or designee.
Stay in the know.
YHN’s Member Portal provides an all-inclusive view into your practice’s engagement with Your Hearing Network. View the leads you’ve attained, which solutions you’ve participated in, healthcare plan opportunities and more!